Tag Archives: missions

Really? You wrote about this…?


I really have the urge to write a new post.  But there isn’t really anything all that interesting going on at the moment.  I started a recipe post…but thought it might be weird to post about a recipe I made last night that was really really good, but not AHHHHMAZING, or anything.  I thought about writing about how busy work has gotten.  I even thought about lamenting the fact that something caused our overhead light and fan to stop working in the master bedroom.  But then realized, these are such mundane topics why would anyone care to read about them?

But that’s life at the moment.  So share away I will.  If only to satisfy my desire to write.

First, the recipe.  It’s called Spaghetti Rice and I found it on Plain Chicken‘s website.  I stumbled across her website on Pinterest yesterday while looking through a friend’s boards.  I liked several of her meal ideas and pinned a few to my Um, Yum board.  Looking forward to making two others this week.  I think what I like most about her recipes is that they’re fairly simple to prepare with everyday ingredients and typically have short prep and cooking times.  Perfect for a mid-week meal.  This is a direct correlation to the busyness of life/work.  Or is it indirect?–the busier I am the less time/effort I want my meal to take to make…I digress.  I made the recipe and it turned out great.  It was hearty, tasty, and fairly healthy (I used brown rice).  Brian even got three helpings of it so I know he enjoyed it.  It is definitely a re-do in the Lowther casa and will be added to this sweet write-in-your-own-recipes book my twin gave me when I got married.

Second, busyness.  Wow, life is about to jump into light-speed and not slow down for ohhhh about 2 months.  It happens to be annual meeting season in the HOA industry.  That means on top of my regularly scheduled Board meetings I get to add on neighborhood-wide meetings!  Joy!  Out of the 23 working days in October I get exactly 7 days without some kind of meeting, be it morning, noon or evening.  In November, out of the 20 work days (Thankful for Thanksgiving!) so far I have 7 scheduled meetings (6 of them annual meetings).  This is where I tell Brian, good luck making dinner for yourself.  Ha!  No, seriously, he’s actually pretty creative and has no lack of ingenuity in the kitchen.  I’m already looking forward to December when things will hopefully settle down for a month before picking back up again in January.  Breathe, just breathe!

Finally, the house renovation.  It’s coming along.  I’ll be sure to post a couple of pictures of the two-tone color scheme we’ve got going on at the moment before we move on to paint.  It’s really eye-opening how much damage we had that needed replacement when you see half the side of the house covered in yellow hardi-plank where blue siding used to reside!  I’m just thankful we’re getting it taken care of.  Unfortunately, when we got home from work yesterday our master bedroom light and fan wouldn’t work.  We’re not sure why it’s not working but can only assume it has something to do with the siding that was replaced on the front of the house right where our bedroom is.  We notified the contractor and he assured us we’d get it figured out.  I think Brian’s dad is going to help us troubleshoot the cause of the malfunction and hopefully it ends up being an easy fix.  I guess like with all things, they rarely go as smoothly as planned.

Speaking of smooth plans…Africa Team 3 is preparing to head out in about 2 weeks!  Wow!  It sure has come up quickly.  Thankful for the four that are headed out and the work they will get to do while visiting our adopted people group.  Excited about what God is going to do among the people and through our team.  Be praying for them and all the logistical and ministry details they’ll be dealing with!

This was quite a wordy post.  Thanks for getting through my scatterbrained comments!

Africa Recap


We’ve been back about a week now.  Time for a recap of our visit.  I am not going to share what country we were in or what cities we visited even though the country we visited is an “open” country.  Meaning you’re allowed to share your faith with adults, unlike a “closed” country where it is actually illegal to spread the gospel. We had a great trip and I believe I speak for both of us when I say, we can’t wait to go back!

This will mostly be photos with a bit of commentary.  I wrote a 3 page update that, if you’re interested in reading, I’d be happy to email to you.  Just shoot me a line at dslowther at gmail dot com.

The trip in numbers:

  • 7 days in country
  • 4 days in the capital city-due to some travel mishaps
  • 1.5 days in the villages we were planning to visit
  • 24 hours on planes
  • 20+ hours sitting at airports
  • 8 (or so) taxi rides
  • 50+ people heard the gospel
  • 4 people decided to follow Christ!

We got to know this airport intimately! But as you can see, there wasn’t much to it.

The large picture is the western most tip of Africa. The shots on the right are several from around the capital city.

Horse & Cart, still an acceptable mode of transportation. Actually, mostly used to…well…cart stuff.

Our team plus our translators.

Where we stayed. It was great!

A group of people we got to share the gospel with in one of the villages. This is where we saw 4 people choose to follow Christ!

Another village we visited. We did not get to share with as many people in this village, but we can see the Spirit working here. We are excited to continue visiting the people here. Please pray for these people that their hearts would open to the gospel.

Some of the children from the villages and more shots from the villages.

Several ladies that heard the gospel. The woman standing with me said she was my African mother because we shared the same [African] name. Brian, Jason & our translator in the back of the pick-up on the way to the village.

Brian and I got to sleep in our hammocks one night; it was great! And the pick-up that got us safely to each village.

Thanks for your support of our trip!  We are happy with what all God did while we were there.  We give Him all the praise, honor and glory for making His name great among these gracious, hospitable people.  We are pumped about this partnership!